1 (Total Industrial) 211 (Oil and gas extraction) 21111_ng (Natural gas extraction) 21111_oil (Conventional oil extraction) 21114 (Oil sands extraction) 2121 (Coal mining) 2122 (Metal ore mining) 2122-2123 (Metal and Non-metal mining) 21221 (Iron ore mining) 21222 (Gold and silver ore mining) 21223 (Copper, nickel, lead and zinc ore mining) 21229 (Other metal ore mining) 2123 (Non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying) 21231 (Stone mining and quarrying) 21232 (Sand, gravel, clay, and ceramic and refractory minerals mining and quarrying) 212323 (Sand and gravel mining and quarrying) 212326 (Shale, clay and refractory mineral mining and quarrying) 21239 (Other non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying) 212392 (Diamond mining) 212393 (Salt mining) 212394 (Asbestos mining) 212395 (Gypsum mining) 212396 (Potash mining) 212397 (Peat extraction) 212398 (All other non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying) 22111 (Utility Electricity Generation) 23 (Construction) 31-33 (Total Manufacturing) 311 (Food manufacturing) 3114 (Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing) 3115 (Dairy product manufacturing) 3116 (Meat product manufacturing) 3117 (Seafood product preparation and packaging) 3118 (Bakeries and tortilla manufacturing) 311999 (Residual (311100, 311200, 311300, 311900)) 312 (Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing) 3121 (Beverage manufacturing) 31212 (Breweries) 31219 (Residual (312110, 312130, 312140)) 3122 (Tobacco manufacturing) 3123 (Cannabis product manufacturing) 313 (Textile mills) 314 (Textile product mills) 315 (Clothing manufacturing) 316 (Leather and allied product manufacturing) 321 (Wood product manufacturing) 3211 (Sawmills and wood preservation) 321111 (Sawmills (except shingle and shake mills)) 321112 (Shingle and shake mills) 321114 (Wood preservation) 321216 (Particle board and fibreboard mills) 321998 (Residual (321211, 321212, 321215, 321217, 321900)) 322 (Paper manufacturing) 3221 (Pulp, paper and paperboard mills) 32211 (Pulp mills) 322111 (Mechanical pulp mills) 322112 (Chemical pulp mills) 32212 (Paper mills) 322121 (Paper (except newsprint) mills) 322122 (Newsprint mills) 32213 (Paperboard mills) 3222 (Converted paper product manufacturing) 323 (Printing and related support activities) 324 (Petroleum and coal products manufacturing) 32411 (Petroleum refineries) 324199 (Residual (324120, 324190)) 325 (Chemical manufacturing) 3251 (Basic chemical manufacturing) 32511 (Petrochemical manufacturing) 32512 (Industrial gas manufacturing) 32513 (Synthetic dye and pigment manufacturing) 32518 (Other basic inorganic chemical manufacturing) 325181 (Alkali and chlorine manufacturing) 325189 (All other basic inorganic chemical manufacturing) 32519 (Other basic organic chemical manufacturing) 3252 (Resin, synthetic rubber, and artificial and synthetic fibres and filaments manufacturing) 32521 (Resin and synthetic rubber manufacturing) 32522 (Artificial and synthetic fibres and filaments manufacturing) 3253 (Pesticide, fertilizer and other agricultural chemical manufacturing) 32531 (Fertilizer manufacturing) 325313 (Chemical fertilizer (except potash) manufacturing) 325314 (Mixed fertilizer manufacturing) 32532 (Pesticide and other agricultural chemical manufacturing) 3254 (Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing) 3255 (Paint, coating and adhesive manufacturing) 3256 (Soap, cleaning compound and toilet preparation manufacturing) 3259 (Other chemical product manufacturing) 326 (Plastics and rubber products manufacturing) 3261 (Plastics product manufacturing) 32618 (Residual (326191, 326198, 326110, 326120, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160)) 326193 (Motor vehicle plastics parts manufacturing) 3262 (Rubber product manufacturing) 327 (Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing) 32721 (Glass manufacturing) 327214 (Glass manufacturing) 327215 (Glass product manufacturing from purchased glass) 32731 (Cement manufacturing) 3274 (Lime and gypsum product manufacturing) 32741 (Lime manufacturing) 32742 (Gypsum product manufacturing) 3278 (Residual (327320, 327330, 327390, 327100, 327900)) 331 (Primary metal manufacturing) 3311 (Iron and steel mills and ferro-alloy manufacturing) 3312 (Steel product manufacturing from purchased steel) 331313 (Primary production of alumina and aluminum) 33141 (Non-ferrous metal (except aluminum) smelting and refining) 3315 (Foundries) 33151 (Ferrous metal foundries) 331511 (Iron foundries) 331514 (Steel foundries) 33152 (Non-ferrous metal foundries) 3318 (Residual (331317, 331420, 331490)) 332 (Fabricated metal product manufacturing) 3321 (Forging and stamping) 3322 (Cutlery and hand tool manufacturing) 3323 (Architectural and structural metals manufacturing) 3324 (Boiler, tank and shipping container manufacturing) 3325 (Hardware manufacturing) 3326 (Spring and wire product manufacturing) 3327 (Machine shops, turned product, and screw, nut and bolt manufacturing) 3328 (Coating, engraving, heat treating and allied activities) 3329 (Other fabricated metal product manufacturing) 333 (Machinery manufacturing) 334 (Computer and electronic product manufacturing) 335 (Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing) 336 (Transportation equipment manufacturing) 3361 (Motor vehicle manufacturing) 33611 (Automobile and light-duty motor vehicle manufacturing) 33612 (Heavy duty truck manufacturing) 3362 (Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing) 3363 (Motor vehicle parts manufacturing) 33631 (Motor vehicle gasoline engine and engine parts manufacturing) 33632 (Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment manufacturing) 33633 (Motor vehicle steering and suspension components (except spring) manufacturing) 33634 (Motor vehicle brake system manufacturing) 33635 (Motor vehicle transmission and power train parts manufacturing) 33636 (Motor vehicle seating and interior trim manufacturing) 33637 (Motor vehicle metal stamping) 33639 (Other motor vehicle parts manufacturing) 3364 (Aerospace product and parts manufacturing) 3365 (Railroad rolling stock manufacturing) 3366 (Ship and boat building) 3369 (Other transportation equipment manufacturing) 337 (Furniture and related product manufacturing) 339 (Miscellaneous manufacturing)
Production GDP GO GJ NU GHG Elec_Gen Elec_GJ Elec_GHG
2023 2022 2021 2020 2015 2010 2005 2000 1995 1990